"Waking up with the sun" - office excursion to UCP Groningen

What better to do on the International Day of Light than an office excursion to a project where light plays an essential role?Accordingly, on the 16th of May we visited the UCP, our recently completed, new psychiatric hospital in Groningen - a building where daylight consciously contributes to patient recovery.

One of the central principles behind the design for the UCP is "Wake up with the sun". The patient rooms in the psychiatric ward all enjoy morning light, so that when people wake up, they can sit in their windowsills, with the sun on their faces. However, light is not only important in the morning, but throughout the day, as it affects the entire human circadian rhythm; therefore, the light "follows" the patients: the living rooms face the afternoon and evening sun and an abundance of daylight in the corridors.

Want to learn more about the project?